Member Businesses
The Rules of the Club as updated Autumn 2022 are…
1. Structure
- The Wednesday Business Club, hereafter referred to as the Club or WBC, is run by the members for the members.
- One member to one category.
- Group membership to be capped at 40, if a list then a second group may be formed.
- There will be a ‘whole membership’ Progress Meeting twice per year at which the following matters will be discussed and changes agreed by consensus or, if necessary, majority vote:
- Finances, bank balance, reserves etc.
- Annual and meeting fees.
- Membership priority.
- Venue suitability.
- Meeting format.
- Open Meeting format.
- Other matters notified to the Executive Committee at least 14-days prior to the meeting date.
- The Club will have a core executive consisting of not more than 5 members.
- Normal practice will be that, other than the role of treasurer, those members of the longest standing will fill these positions or an ‘open’ vote will be held.
- Should any executive member decline or resign a position on the Executive, or leave the WBC, the remaining Executive Committee members may elect a replacement to the executive who is a member of good standing and contributes to the club above the minimum requirements. Election may be by show of hands or ballot as felt to be appropriate.
- In the case of the Treasurer the outgoing person in this position shall normally nominate their successor for the remainder of the Executive Committee to vote upon as above.
- The intellectual property that is the club and its structure will be “owned” in equal share by all the members in good standing.
- The Club will hold a current account and if funds build may open a high interest or second account at the discretion of the Treasurer or Executive.
- Expenditure over £100.00 must be authorised by the full executive and agreed at the progress meetings. Below £100.00 the treasurer and an executive member may authorise.
- Cheques to be signed by a minimum of two executive members.
- Members (Executive or otherwise) should be appointed by the executive to assume responsibility for set areas:
- Treasurers Role, includes taking and monitoring payments for meetings and membership.
- Marketing Role
- Minutes of Executive Meetings
- Minutes of Progress Meetings
- Open Meeting Speaker Booking and Hosting
- Web site set up and monitoring.
- Meeting Calendar
- Chair
- Educational
- Ten-Minutes
- Member’s and Visitors activity records
- Attendance
- Referrals
2. Membership Matters
- Where an existing member offers a service that covers several categories, they will be required to relinquish some areas to allow new members in
- Equally new members should not promote additional activity in conflict with existing members and will be expected to relinquish areas of duplication to facilitate growth.
- Upon application being received the executive committee will ask all parties who appear to have a clash to meet and agree areas of working before the next meeting so that the new applicant can be proposed and accepted or declined as appropriate.
- Where members are confused by such areas, they should advise an Executive Committee member who will arrange a joint presentation to identify clearly the differences.
- There are no barriers to belonging to other networking groups.
- References - Where an applicant is not being proposed and seconded by existing group members then the group may ask for;
Two customer testimonials not older than 6 months
1 client and 1 supplier testimonials not older than 6 months
Where testimonials come from a third party the group reserves the right to follow these up and check them out.
3. Costs, Joining and Membership Fees etc.
- One off, non-refundable, joining fee of £30.00.
- Membership Fee £60.00 NB:
- All Renewals will be automatic upon payment of the annual fee unless:
- The core group has received a formal written complaint about a members conduct, commitment, referral quality/volume or method of doing business.
- The minimum standards/targets set out in this document have not been reached. Continued membership would then, after investigating the circumstances involved, be decided by consensus or a majority vote of the membership.
- Fees reviewed at progress meetings.
- Breakfasts to be paid for on the day, or by standing order. Fees reviewed at progress meetings or when charges changed by venue.
- Breakfast payments for members will be via Bank Transfer or card payment. Cash will only be taken from visitors as a last resort method of payment.
4. Members Benefits
- Membership will allow attendance at weekly meetings as the only member in a particular category.
- A specific page on the WBC website for each member of good standing.
- Provided WBC membership is 20 Plus the group will organise an exhibition at least once a year and members will be allowed to exhibit without charge.
5. Members Commitments
- There are no meetings at Christmas & New Year thus a total of 50 meetings per year. NOTE: As a minimum members must attend 25 meetings (approx. 50%) in person within a 12-month period. Missing 3-months of meetings continuously and failing to send a substitute, book in or out, or request a leave of absence, will place membership under review by the executive team and this membership may be terminated with no entitlement to any refundor renewal declined.
- Members can be represented by a substitute for the remaining 25 meetings of the year.
- Members must advise the group officer responsible for booking the venue of any planned absence by the Monday prior to the meeting in order to avoid being charged for breakfast.
- Members are expected to positively contribute to the growth of the group, each other’s businesses and the meeting activity.
- Where a member is felt to be effectively blocking a position and not being a positive influence on the group, they will be asked to address the matter by a member of the committee. Failure to respond may result in them being asked to leave without any fees paid being re-funded.
- Members should each aim to bring up to 6 visitors per year who are not in conflict with an existing member. This will not be formally tracked. This adds value to and grows the Club.
- Non-members will not be permitted to attend Progress Meetings.
- The purpose of the group is to build an effective and meaningful referral network for its members. Members should be looking to provide quality genuine business referrals to all other members during the year, but there is no requirement to have a referral for each meeting.
- Members performance on referrals will be monitored and logged and referrals passed will be checked up openly during meetings.
- Verbal testimonials have no value outside of the meeting where they are given, or in fact after they have been given. Therefore, all testimonials should be in writing with a copy for the group and a copy for the member concerned. This will encourage members to maintain standards.
6. Membership Education
The group should be a method of educating fellow members in the following ways;
One to One meeting between members outside of the group meetings.
Members using their own presentation slots to educate other members on aspects relating to information or skills they believe would benefit all the group members and their businesses. By laying on specific training in response to an expressed demands/need from the group members, for which they may make such charge as is fair and reasonable.
- By permission of the group putting on training sessions open to non-members under the group name to try and attract potential new members, raise the profile of the group, for which they may make such charge as is fair and reasonable.
- The Executive Committee may elect to provide full or partial financial subsidy for members participation and or course costs subject to the organising member(s) requesting same and putting forward an acceptable proposition, along with funds being available.