WBC history and structure
The Wednesday Business Club (WBC) launched in 2007 as a not-for-profit business networking group that is ‘one member per category’. It is now believed to be the longest running one-member per category business networking group in the town of Bicester in Oxfordshire. In fact, you may find it is the longest running
Bicester Based networking group of any kind! It is “run by the members, for the members”.
The Wednesday Business Club meets weekly in Bicester, over breakfast with informal open networking before and after the main meeting You will find the meetings at a local independent family run hotel. At these meetings the members, which could include you, get mutual support, social activity with likeminded persons and to exchange qualified business referrals. The aim is to help members and visitors in the room better deal with any business challenges, to develop their skills and grow their business. Weekly attendance and the bringing of referrals or visitors are not a formal requirement, both being seen as just good business sense.
The Wednesday Business Club provides a highly supportive environment and you will find that the meetings are structured and relaxed. They are a place in which local businesses share initiatives, advice and guidance, learning valuable new business skills and developing the strong trust and relationships necessary for generating genuine business referrals. There is no requirement to attend every week, to bring referrals every week, or bring visitors or offer testimonials, although all are encouraged and valued, just not forced.
The weekly meetings, with a two week break over Christmas, are chaired by a different member each week. They feature a variety of different core activities. Most regular of these are the Business Tips, Members Ten Minutes, Members 60-seconds and a referral and thank you slot. There are other activities that are run to the pre-published calendar.
If you are interested in coming along or finding out more, message us here?
On the 4th Wednesday of each month, there is an ‘Open Meeting’ that all are welcome to attend. This is the successor to the old Bicester Business Breakfast Club that was started in 1999 and was taken on by the Wednesday Business Club in 2007. At these the doors are opened up to non-members and businesses that clash with an existing seat holder’s category. This is to offer a wider audience, the chance to talk with those outside the Club and to consider collaborative or partnership working. These Open Meetings will usually have an external speaker on a business or local community related subject. Members can make suggestions about potential speaker. Want to find out about upcoming meetings and guest speakers?
There are two Progress Meetings each year at which the members openly discuss the Club, its structure, direction, possible activity and most pressing needs for the coming 6-months. At these you, as a member, would have the opportunity to influence the direction and goals for the Club for the coming six-months. You will also receive financial updates. After running costs are taken into account, where there are surpluses available, they will first be invested in promoting the Wednesday Business Club, the members then decide what, if anything, they wish to see the surplus invested in.
There is an unpaid leadership team of no more than 5 members that meet after meetings or via Zoom/Teams. This group takes the day-to-day operational decisions, makes sure the venue is paid promptly and monitors the clubs’ finances. It is also responsible for delivering the agreed actions from Progress Meetings and general conversations with members.